Training Industry is the most trusted source of information on the business of learning. Our Top Experiential Learning Technologies Lists are based on thorough analysis of the capabilities, experience and expertise of experiential learning technology providers.
Experiential learning technologies allow learners to gain knowledge and skills through hands-on experience using supportive, immersive technology solutions, such as virtual or extended reality (VR/XR), simulations, and serious games. These technologies are leveraged in training environments to reduce the risk and cost associated with training in certain environments.
These companies offer learning technology solutions that capitalize on training methods such as VR, XR, simulations and serious games in a corporate learning context such as with medical, compliance and manufacturing training as well as soft skill training.
We continuously monitor the training marketplace looking for the best providers of experiential learning technologies that offer a breadth of capabilities and services. These annual lists are designed to help buy-side organizations in their search of the right training partners.
Selection of this year’s Top Experiential Learning Technologies Companies Lists was based on the following criteria:
- Breadth, quality and advancement of features, capabilities and analytics.
- Industry visibility, innovation and impact in the learning technologies training market.
- Client and user representation.
- Business performance and growth.
Looking for an experiential learning technologies provider for your organization?
Click on a company’s logo below to find more information about its products and services. Continue scrolling for this year’s Experiential Learning Technologies Watch List Companies, representing companies with emerging or unique strengths and capabilities.
Due to the diversity of services included in experiential learning technologies, no attempt is made to rank the companies.
Top 20 Companies

Watch List Companies
Watch List
Our 2024 Experiential Learning Technologies Companies Watch List is intended to help buyers of training services evaluate experiential learning technology providers, representing emerging or unique strengths and capabilities.
Selection of the Watch List is based on the same criteria used for Top 20 companies.
Click on a company’s logo below to find more information about its products and services.
Due to the diversity of services included in experiential learning technologies, no attempt is made to rank the companies.