13 Sep 2023
1:00 pm ET

The year is 2007 and half of internet users are still on dial-up. Flash forward to today, and most of us have little left in our lives that doesn’t involve technology in some capacity. And when it comes to training, it’s no different.

Today, technology and training go hand-in-hand. We wince at pen-and-paper training, simply expecting all initiatives to be hosted online. Training has evolved — and at a much higher speed than that dial-up internet you used to hum along to.

Join the Wisetail team for a casual conversation around:

  • How expectations of technology (especially as they pertain to learning and development) have changed.
  • How to make technology work for you (hello, AI!).
  • How to lighten your workload while simultaneously ramping up training effectiveness, using technology.

Product manager, Kyle Reichelt, and solutions engineer, Shad McNeil, will bring their expertise and experience in the learning tech world to a panel/roundtable chat. Join us, and the conversation, during our live Q&A!