The key trends for 2019 reflect the challenge and opportunity to adapt the training function to the complexity of today’s business environment.
Features This Issue
Why offering continuous support for learning and reskilling is more critical today than ever before.
Are the leadership development challenges of fast-paced technology organizations really all that different? Leadership experts say the answer is definitely "yes."
Enter the learning curator. A learning curator is simultaneously a generalist and specialist, leveraging a broad base of knowledge and skills.
Digital learning has been a hot topic for years; however, many organizations large and small still struggle with where to start. The secret may be to think small.
CLO standing for “chief learning officer” and as a member of the C-suite is a relatively new concept and role. GE was the first company that pioneered this role and created the title in 1994 when Steve Kerr stepped into that position.
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To grow, remain relevant, improve a dire situation, or for any number of other competitive reasons, organizational leaders often decide the best course of action is to transform their organization.
Wherever you are on the continuum of moving to the virtual classroom, you are likely asking the same questions: What’s new in virtual training? Where is it going next? What do we need to do to prepare?

Training Industry Magazine
Best practices for developing effective training programs.
Thought Leaders This Issue
Our marketplace is telling us that the needs of the learner must be top of mind when developing new programs and strategies for skill development.
Whether we want to be the creator and driver of an organization’s vision or we want to be behind-the-scenes - everyone wants a seat at the table.
In an era of unpreceded change, volatility and uncertainty, we need to revisit several truths to more deeply impact how we design programs for executive development.
How we deliver content continues to change. The strategies, tools, context, and cadence of learning efforts are in the midst of significant disruption.
When you consider the primary factors that will continue to shape the development of leaders moving forward, start with change. The disruptive kind.
Digital disruption has been finding its way rather aggressively into the L&D space. As L&D professionals, how do we manage the tsunami of change that is the daily reality of workplace learning?
The race is on. Today’s fast-paced world is leading to increased expectations on just about everything – and learning and development (L&D) is not immune from this pressure.
Info Exchanges This Issue
Gamification allowed us to mirror the complexities of organizational structure and siloed working practices to develop the skills managers need to work in a matrixed organization.
Reductions in training budgets have increased skills gaps, decreased economic growth and is killing bottom lines around the world.
From the #MeToo movement to Starbucks’ closing its stores for an afternoon of anti-bias training, the past year has brought to the fore the importance of inclusive workplaces.