L&D detective work should be centered on searching for facts, clues, evidence and data that reveal learning’s impact on business goals.
Features This Issue
It has never been more important to invest in leadership development as organizations normalize and grow.
Whether you’re starting out on your D&I measurement journey or you’re looking to add to your toolkit, here are three best practices for D&I metrics that work.
Data is the new oil, and L&D is perfectly positioned to harness this data in meaningful ways. It does not need to be complex – only thoughtful.
What is a bad boss costing you and your organization? Each one can wreak havoc on our health and happiness, and cost the business thousands of dollars.
Growth in data is causing an evolution of certain skill sets in order to meet a rapid and ever-changing market demand.
19 Sep 20241:00 pm ET
Scrap learning has been around forever. However, there is now a way to measure, monitor and manage it using predictive learning analytics.
Here are some steps learning leaders can take to start moving up the data analytics maturity model without a data science degree.

Training Industry Magazine
Best practices for developing effective training programs.
Thought Leaders This Issue
Employees across the entire organization must learn to speak the language of data.
It’s time to move beyond an analog business continuity plan of basic recovery needs and strive toward consistent betterment of organizational preparedness.
Learning data provide an objective way to measure learning outcomes. But, we should examine learning data cautiously.
Many organizations struggling to survive have discovered that learning is a powerful business continuity strategy.
How learners feel after they have completed training can tell us a lot about their propensity to change behavior.
Data fluency extends beyond data literacy. To have data fluency means that we can can process, interpret, infer and apply data effectively.
Great training managers help create and manage great training organizations, and great training organizations demonstrate a high degree of data fluency.
If time has been holding employees back from learning, leaders must proactively protect their employees’ time moving forward.
Info Exchanges This Issue
Follow Amtrak's journey from highly technical classroom learning to engaging computer-based training.
Designers should prioritize discussing the course design with cultural insiders before development.
COVID-19 has made upskilling even more important, not only for business success but for worker survival.