Training Industry is the most trusted source of information on the business of learning. Our Top Learning Experience Platform (LXP) List is based on thorough analysis of the capabilities, experience and expertise of LXP providers.
The LXP is the latest evolution of training technology. It focuses on user experience, enhancing the usability and efficiency of the learning experience so that learners can seamlessly interact with multiple types of learning content and systems in one platform.
We continuously monitor the training marketplace looking for the best providers of LXPs that offer a strong and diverse set of features and analytics. This annual list is designed to help buy-side organizations in their search for the right training partners.
Selection of this year’s Top LXP Companies List was based on the following criteria:
- Value of platform features and capabilities.
- Quality of analytics and reporting.
- Company size and growth potential.
- Strength of clients and geographic reach.
Looking for an LXP provider for your organization?
Click on a company’s logo below to find more information about its products and services. Continue scrolling for this year’s Learning Experience Platform (LXP) Watch List Companies, representing companies with emerging or unique strengths and capabilities.
Need recommendations? Contact us for a complimentary referral.
Due to the diversity of services included in LXPs, no attempt is made to rank the companies.
Top 20 Companies

Watch List Companies
Watch List
Our 2020 Learning Experience Platform (LXP) Watch List is intended to help buyers of training services evaluate LXP providers, representing emerging or unique strengths and capabilities.
Selection of the Watch List is based on the same criteria used for Top 20 companies.
Click on a company’s logo below to find more information about its products and services.
Due to the diversity of services included in LXPs, no attempt is made to rank the companies.

Los Gatos, California
Los Gatos, California
Chapter is an integrated training and learning platform. Trainers can create flexible and personalized learning journeys for their learners including virtual training, online assessments, collaborative coaching and surveys. Frontline sales executives improve their productivity by having access to key sales resources and interactive learning on any device.
Ludos Pro
São Paulo, Brazil
Ludos Pro
São Paulo, Brazil
Ludos Pro’s platform uses gamification to motivate and engage employees, especially in mandatory training. Based on human-focused methodology and design, Ludos allows ease in platform management and voluntary interaction of employees.
Austin, Texas
Austin, Texas
QuickStart is the industry’s first information technology workforce readiness platform, using artificial intelligence and adaptive learning to personalize learning that is mapped to business goals and objectives.
Suresnes, France
Suresnes, France
Bealink is a contextual learning experience platform that aims to provide the right content at the right time for all its users. Bealink wants to reinvent access to content. Whether through competency-based or context-based recommendations, the platform facilitates access to both formal and informal eLearning content.
Enparadigm Performance Solutions
Mumbai, India
Enparadigm Performance Solutions
Mumbai, India
Enparadigm Performance Solutions evolved its proprietary algorithms and leveraged artificial intelligence (AI) to build microlearning platforms and sales enablement applications that focus exclusively on user experience and delivering learning solutions at scale. With an emphasis on social learning, its mobile solutions adapt to the workflow of users, allowing the AI-driven content curation and recommendation engine to facilitate personalized learning paths.
Code of Talent
Bucharest, Romania
Code of Talent
Bucharest, Romania
Code of Talent’s platform helps participants turn knowing into doing through gamification, social learning and facilitator feedback. The platform can be used as a digital reinforcement tool after training is delivered or as a standalone digital learning environment.