Training Industry is the most trusted source of information on the business of learning. Our Top Health and Safety/Compliance Training List is based on thorough analysis of the capabilities, experience and expertise of health and safety/compliance training providers.
Health and safety/compliance training provides health and safety and regulatory compliance training content, courses and programs, and instruction for corporate learning development. Training focuses on occupational health and safety, EPA training, educating employees on laws, regulations and policies, etc.
We continuously monitor the training marketplace looking for the best providers of health and safety/compliance training that offer a breadth and diversity of training offerings. This annual list is designed to help buy-side organizations in their search for the right training partners.
Selection of this year’s Top Health and Safety/Compliance Training Companies List was based on the following criteria:
- Breadth and diversity of health and safety/compliance training offerings.
- Ability to deliver training in preferred modalities.
- Company size and growth potential.
- Geographic and vertical reach.
- Quality of clients.
Looking for a health and safety/compliance training provider for your organization?
Click on a company’s logo below to find more information about its products and services. Continue scrolling for this year’s Health and Safety/Compliance Training Watch List Companies, representing companies with emerging or unique strengths and capabilities.
Need recommendations? Contact us for a complimentary referral.
Click to find more solutions and courses on health and safety and compliance.
Due to the diversity of services included in health and safety/compliance training, no attempt is made to rank the companies.
Top 20 Companies

Watch List Companies
Watch List
Our 2020 Health and Safety/Compliance Training Companies Watch List is intended to help buyers of training services evaluate health and safety/compliance training providers, representing emerging or unique strengths and capabilities.
Selection of the Watch List is based on the same criteria used for Top 20 companies.
Click on a company’s logo below to find more information about its products and services.
Due to the diversity of services included in health and safety/compliance training, no attempt is made to rank the companies.

San Francisco, California
San Francisco, California
Mursion is a virtual reality training environment in which organizations can practice and master high-stakes conversations for improved confidence, compliance and impact. Mursion’s virtual simulations offer organizations a powerful tool for enhancing critical interpersonal skills by practicing difficult conversations in a safe space.
Facility Results
Plymouth, Michigan
Facility Results
Plymouth, Michigan
Facility Results is focused on educating clients on reducing exposure to hazards and remaining up to date on the latest industry regulations. Its electrical safety training overview helps teams and employees stay proactive about arc flash training. But, most importantly, stay alive.
Day One Technologies
West Yorkshire United Kingdom
Day One Technologies
West Yorkshire United Kingdom
Day One Technologies works hard to make delivering training easy. It understands that health and safety or compliance training can be dry subjects, so Day One uses multimedia content and learning psychology to make eLearning as engaging as possible.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Ingenuiti is an award-winning, custom learning solutions provider. Corporate; information technology security; and health, safety and environmental compliance are Ingenuiti’s areas of specialization. It helps clients achieve compliance mandates, provide industry-leading stewardship, and harness advanced technology and learning strategies to deliver an exceptional learner experience.
Knights Absorb
Guildford United Kingdom
Knights Absorb
Guildford United Kingdom
Knights Absorb helps organizations achieve their goals faster. It provides exceptional learning and development tailored to clients’ needs alongside unparalleled, personalized customer support.
KnowledgeWorks Global Learning
Richmond, Virginia
KnowledgeWorks Global Learning
Richmond, Virginia
KnowledgeWorks Global Learning provides expert learning and development services and innovative technology solutions that produce effective learning outcomes while driving revenue growth and optimizing costs. By empowering learners, KGL's solutions deliver immersive, interactive and engaging learning experiences for the modern workforce.
Pryor Learning
Mission, Kansas
Pryor Learning
Mission, Kansas
Since 1970, Pryor Learning, Inc. has helped over 11 million people and over 300,000 businesses attain health, safety and compliance goals by offering comprehensive, affordable and convenient business training. Over 17,000 training opportunities are offered live and online through Pryor, along with custom content, learning assessments, curriculum planning, microlearning content and more.
Allen Interactions
Mendota Heights, Minnesota
Allen Interactions
Mendota Heights, Minnesota
Allen Interactions, Inc. is an end-to-end custom learning and technology solutions partner, helping businesses achieve workplace performance and human behavior change. With over 25 years of deep experience in health, safety and compliance training, Allen Interactions partners with organizations in a variety of learning ecosystems.
Enspire Learning
Austin, Texas
Enspire Learning
Austin, Texas
Enspire Learning is made up of custom learning design experts, helping organizations reimagine learning. It does this by creating unforgettable learning experiences that leverage the power of great storytelling. Delivered as feature-length episodes or microlearning content spaced throughout workflows, its experiences are designed to engage employees and influence change.
Hard Hat Training by Safety Provisions, Inc
Rexburg, Idaho
Hard Hat Training by Safety Provisions, Inc
Rexburg, Idaho
Hard Hat Training by Safety Provisions, Inc. is a hub for safety training. Whether working in construction, maritime, general industry or elsewhere; whether training workers, operators or trainers; and whether training on-site or online, Hard Hat can help.
Santa Monica, California
Santa Monica, California
Through Cornerstone’s Content Anytime Modern Compliance subscription, learners get access to exclusive content that will allow organizations to fulfill general human resources, compliance and legal requirements. This offering helps employees recognize, examine and address the behaviors that lead to breaches in safety, privacy and ethics.
Burlington, Massachusetts
Burlington, Massachusetts
Hospitals, medical schools and continuing medical education providers around the globe rely on Qstream to reinforce medical education, support clinical knowledge and build skills to ensure the quality of care for patients. Qstream helps healthcare providers achieve better patient outcomes, stay compliant and reduce readmission rates by reinforcing safety procedures.