Learning and development (L&D) departments are no strangers to change. In fact, with ongoing learning as the vehicle, change is at the core of the function’s mission in order to meet the evolving needs of employees and the business.
Tag: data-driven learning
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Data literacy is an essential business skill in the age of digital transformation. Here are five ways to build a data-driven culture in 2022.
Mobilizing your data is a trajectory that offers your training team the ability to tell the story of how your programs provide unmistakable value to the business.
Northpass, a global technology company providing the leading cloud-based learning platform, announced today the launch an all new feature, Properties.
When it comes to interpreting data around their own workplace skills shortages, many organizations seem to have a blind spot. Even in 2019 companies of every size are ignoring all the indicators telling that they have an urgent need for ongoing training.
The evolution of skills is top of mind for professionals in every industry. Adapting to rapid change has become not only a business imperative but also a demand that motivates learning and development strategies.
Adopting a data-driven learning culture is key in reaching organizational goals.
Discover how objective, data-driven feedback through the use of technology can better serve learners.
The reality is that data persuades better than anything else. It can show the decision-makers at your company that training is more than just a compliance check; it’s an effective and valid part of business strategy.
A learning management system (LMS) can help you increase productivity and make your industry’s employees better at their jobs. To make sure that learners are prepared to use your LMS, follow these tips.