Learning and development (L&D) departments are no strangers to change. In fact, with ongoing learning as the vehicle, change is at the core of the function’s mission in order to meet the evolving needs of employees and the business.
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For most L&D professionals, choosing training activities is easy and so is identifying relevant learning outputs. But connecting outputs to desired outcomes can be difficult. Learn some strategies to connect training to business outcomes in this article.
This infographic will explore three types of communication skills your employees at all levels need to find success in today’s workplace.
Transformational leaders can be change agents and positively influence group and organizational outcomes. But leadership isn’t an all-purpose idea.
By encouraging a free flow of knowledge and ideas, informal learning makes knowledge and information more readily available to employees on their own, self-directed terms.
One challenge many L&D leaders face is getting a seat at the executive table and making sure executives understand the importance of - and provide budget for - training.
Having a L&D strategy is widely recognized in the training profession as a vital cornerstone to driving business success. Do the individuals at the top of the org chart feel the same way?
Learning and development (L&D) professionals consistently say their biggest challenge is a lack of resources – but that’s not the perspective of executive leadership, who generally believe training is funded appropriately.
How does L&D get a seat at the table? What should we say, and not say, when we’re at the table? And how do we keep our seat there? I asked three expert leaders in learning and development for the answers to these questions. Here’s what they had to say.